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Maggie Kline

Family therapist, school psychologist, member of the Somatic Experiencing® International Faculty, and co-author with Peter Levine.


Maggie Kline has been a marriage, family, and child therapist (LMFT) for over 35 years. She applies Somatic Experiencing® in individual and couples therapy.

Maggie Kline integrates Somatic Experiencing® (SE®) with art, dreamwork, and play when working with children and teenage. She is a senior instructor at Somatic Experiencing® International ( and regularly teaches in the United States, Asia, and Australia.

For professionals working with children, Maggie has created workshops called "Conscious Connections" and "SE® for Kids".

She is the co-author of the following books: "It Won't Hurt Forever — Guiding Your Child through Trauma" (Mothering Magazine, Jan - Feb 2002), "Trauma through a Child's Eyes — Awakening the Ordinary Miracle of Healing" (North Atlantic, Berkeley 2007), and "Trauma Proofing Your Kids — A Parent's Guide to Instilling Confidence, Joy and Resilience" (North Atlantic, Berkeley, 2008). All of these were co-authored with Peter Levine.

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