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Ariel Giarretto

SEP, LMFT, MS, SE® trainer


Ariel has been working in the world of body-focused trauma processing for over 20 years. She is a senior trainer at Somatic Experiencing® International and conducts training for professionals worldwide. In the 90s, she worked at the Esalen Institute and has been interested in conscious sexuality ever since. She has learned from dozens of somatic teachers and is a certified somatic sex educator.

She is extensively trained in prenatal and perinatal psychology, childhood developmental traumas, and has volunteered as a doula for years. In her private practice, she works with individuals and couples seeking sexual healing and fulfillment in their personal lives, including men, LGBTQ individuals, and those struggling with low libido, infertility, or who have experienced sexual abuse, traumatic birth, or invasive hospital procedures.

Ariel is deeply committed to supporting individuals in experiencing ease in their bodies and healing the wounds of shame and long-lasting, intergenerational sexual trauma.

Her practice is located in Oakland, California, and she is available for individual consultations at all levels. For more information on webinars and group consultations focusing on sexuality and sexual violence, you can find details on her website:


Somatic Experiencing Hungary


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