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Mindset Psychology Magazine
The Solution is in Your Body – Trauma Processing with the SE® Method
Author: CZAPÁK, Zita- 09/06/2021
Trauma is not just a bad memory. It permeates our lives, our way of functioning, and our relationships. We interpret our reality through it, and it can define the foundations of our thinking. Trauma leaves a mark. In this article, you can read about processing trauma, the basics of SE®, and even about how SE® sessions work.
Trauma Center Podcast - A Way Out of Trauma
Interview with Szász Andi and Kovács Eszter
Interview by RICHTER, Júlia - 04/30/2021
"We are living in exciting times in the field of psychology today. Our understanding of what trauma truly is and how to work with it is deeper now than ever before."
Psychology Today - Why You Can't Think Your Way Out of Trauma
The importance of the body's wisdom in trauma processing.
Author: Albert Wong, 07/05/2020
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