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Crisis First Aid with Abi Blakeslee
Supporting the Supporters SE   webinar

Thursday, 14th April 2022

19:00-21:30 CET


We are inviting You to our Supporting the Supporters - Crisis First Aid event, held by Abi Blakeslee, who is a Senior Trainer at the Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute.


We are going to learn simple, adapted SE™ interventions and strategies to help stabilize the stress response and create a sense of safety to build needed resilience of frontline workers and first responders to complete the job and get through the crisis.

During this webinar Abi will guide us through several short live DEMOs to see and experience how to use the stabilizing SE tools in practice.


These interventions can be a resource to anyone in times of immediate distress and crisis, or anytime one requires an increased sense of ease and relief in the mind and body.


The webinar is held in English, and Hungarian simultaneous  interpretation is available.

The evening is open to all first responders, and to those working directly in the field of crisis, or supporting others in trauma resolution.

You are welcome and we would be very  happy if you could join us.

To join the webinar, simply click on this link at 19:00 CET, 14th April, 2022:

Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.


That is a guiding principle of Somatic Experiencing® International (SEI). We exist to bring education and training to those who can help heal people with trauma, hope to those living with trauma, and awareness of trauma to related professional communities and the general public. SEI is dedicated to comprehensive public awareness of Somatic Experiencing® and how it can help heal trauma. We “help the helpers”—those directly involved with people experiencing trauma—by training them in the practice of Somatic Experiencing (SE™). 

SE is a body-oriented therapeutic model applied in multiple professions and professional settings—psychotherapy, medicine, coaching, teaching, and physical therapy. Trauma impacts physical health, mental health, learning, education, and multiple aspects of an individual’s life. Rates of trauma exposure can be as high as 60% in the general population.   

We also help those in related professions recognize and understand secondary trauma, an umbrella term for the trauma that results from repeated compassionate engagement with traumatized populations. It is a very real and very serious issue. It is a natural consequence of working to help those who have been traumatized and is not just “normal” work-related stress. It is an occupational hazard that can affect professionals in various settings and occupations. Our decades-long experience in helping people heal from trauma can help institutions and communities of professionals who may experience secondary trauma.  


Somatic Experiencing Hungary


2045 Törökbálint, Fácán u. 144/2a.

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 Somatic Experiencing Hungary

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